
Our products are all hand made by experienced and skilled workers, mostly former athletes of the sport. They are divided in teams and through the different stages of ELIO production.

The first step of our production is the mold. This is built using high quality gelcoat and resin with a variety of combined fibres. The goal is to extend the use, keeping the shape and quality of the products.

Painting and laminating are the following stages. This one is when we set different fibers (carbon, kevlar, etc.) on the mold to create shape and give strength to the product. Then it dries and we remove it from the mold. It’s ready now for the finishing stage.


We always try to achieve the best.

Innovation is not only taken on a new boat model or in a new accessory, but on the entire production. New techniques and strategies; new ways of working; or a new composite combination, creating more advanced constructions; are a few examples of innovation, always with the aim of making your boat stiffest, stable and comfortable, with never forgetting the high-level performance.

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